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What does our yard cleanup service include?

As one of our fire abatement services, our yard cleanup service involves clearing and removing fire hazards from your property. Removing potential fire feeders – like tall grass, weeds, and low-hanging branches – is a great way to help prevent a potential fire from spreading. Our yard cleanup service includes:
- Cutting tall grass and removing weeds – We cut tall grass, like foxtail and wild oat, using our heavy-duty equipment. We also remove weeds, like thistle, from your property. Cutting tall grass and removing weeds will reduce a fire’s opportunity to feed on additional foliage and continue spreading.
- Pruning small trees and low-hanging branches – We can prune back branches away from your home or business for fire abatement purposes. Pruning can prevent grass fires from spreading up the low-hanging branches and into the tree.
- Leaves clean-up & removal – All those leaves on your yard need to be raked, mulched, or blown, bagged, and composted. Why? If left on your lawn, those leaves will block sunlight from reaching your grass and can lead to lawn diseases like snow mold.