One dig and you’re done: flower bulbs that come back every year.
From a child’s perspective, being an adult seems amazing: no bedtime, no broccoli, no homework. Free to do as you please, go where you want and eat what you want. What could be better? But once you’re an adult you find that you wish you could go to bed at 9pm, that you actually like broccoli, and that homework has been replaced by a seemingly endless to-do list. Do laundry, buy dogfood, pick up prescriptions. And so many of the items on your list seem to come back again and again. You’ve only just checked them off and up they pop again. Why can’t everything just be “one & done”?
Effortless spring garden
Here at RevoGarden we are all about bringing joy and color into your life, not adding to your list of chores. So if you plant the flower bulbs in this blog, you’ll only have to plant them once, after which they’ll come back year after year without any effort on your part.
Yes, many flower bulbs do come back every year
There are two types of flower bulbs, annual and perennials. Annuals only bloom one season long, and you’ll have to buy new bulbs every year. Perennials, however, are in it for the long haul and once you’ve planted them, they will bloom season after season. Some of them, the so-called naturalizers, will even multiply.
Which flower bulbs come back every year?
Below I’ve made a selection of perennial flower bulbs that will bring you maximum joy for minimal effort, for many years to come.
Early Perennials
Most of the very first flower bulbs of the season are perennials: pink Chionodoxa Lucilea Pink Giant, adorable snowdrop Galanthus Elwesii and yellow and purple Crocus Sempre Avanti Collection.
Perennial Daffodils
Almost all daffodils are perennials. Why not treat yourself to frilly Daffodil Art Design, bright yellow mini Daffodil Jet Fire or Daffodil Avalanche, which has not one but ten flower per stem?
Perennial Tulips
Whether a tulip is perennial depends on the variety. For tulips that return every season, go for Darwin Hybrids like red and yellow Tulip Apeldoorn’s Elite, Emperor tulips like Tulip Orange Emperor or miniature tulips like the Miniature Tulip Naturalizing Collection.
Mid-to-late Perennials
In mid to late spring, fragrant Muscari Armeniacum blooms together with bluebells like the Spanish Bluebells Mixed Collection and alliums like yellow Allium Moly. And the perennial season ends with a bang, delivered by foxtail lilies like white Eremurus Robustus.
Flower bulbs that come back every year, coming to you
Get the best perennial flower bulbs, straight from prime Dutch soil. Order your favorite flower bulbs via our easy-to-use website, and we’ll deliver our top-size bulbs safely to your door.